Tuesday, July 19, 2011

You wanna go where people know people are all the same...

You wanna go where everybody knows your name...
OK the place isn't named Cheers, but it is called PW's Sports Bar or PW's for short. If you go there enough, yes people will know your name. Why am I writing about PW's? The food is freaking awesome and cheap...did I mention you get a lot of it too? You can check out the menu here. ← Click that!

Here is another cool fact about PW's...It's a GAY sports bar. Is that not cool? Actually they are friendly to all open minded people. The majority of my gaggle of friends that hangs there are straight. Everyone is friendly and I always have a great time.
Mama Debbi Enjoying
her Mimosa!

I have ate here several times over the last six or seven months. Everything I have ever tried is delightful. My Mama Debbi introduced me to PW's and I am very glad she did. The first thing I ever ordered there was the wings. I got regular Buffalo and the were awesome, but HOT. It those are the normal ones I would hate to taste the hot ones. I've also had the BLT (count the bacon...there is a TON), the bacon and 'shroom burger among other things. The menu has a great variety and they have daily specials. They are open for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. My new favorite meal there being the Sunday Brunch.

Crab Omelet

I've been to the Sunday Brunch a few times now. It is a relatively new thing. They have many flavors of Mimosas and a build your own Bloody Mary bar. I haven't had a Bloody Mary yet but I do indulge in the Mimosas. The crab cake Eggs Benedict is to die for. This past Sunday I had the crab omelet. It was divine. It was basically a crab cake in the omelet with Swiss cheese. It was sooooo good. Every brunch plate comes with fruit, asparagus, and home fries.

The evening life is nice too. Jackie and Melissa the sexy Bartender, will take good care of you. They both make great Amaretto Sours. On Monday nights this summer, Melissa the sexy Bartender offers up several flavors of margaritas. I personally recommend the Billy's Ocean. It's blue!!! Both of the bar ladies also offer up great mixed shots and awesome service.

If you are ever in the Baltimore/DC area, I suggest you check out PW's. You might just run into this fat kid. I will either be eating, singing karaoke, or playing trivia...maybe a combination of all three.
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Sunday, July 10, 2011

Inch by inch, row by row

I have a small yard but manage to have a large garden for its size. What does J.J. Have growing this year, you ask? Here is the breakdown:
  • Pumpkins
  • Tomatoes
  • Jalapenos
  • Cucumbers
  • Zucchini
  • Yellow Squash
  • Purple Sweet Peppers
  • Purple Sweet Peppers
  • Orange Sweet Peppers

I'm very sure that I will be writing about my fresh veggies in the near future.

Yellow Squash

Baby jalapenos

Now down to business...in less than a month, on August 2nd this blog will be a year old. How are we going to celebrate? Here is what I want you to do for me...send me your favorite recipes...like me on Facebook...tell your friends and family about J.J....follow me on twitter...follow me here on blogger. I am going to try to be better about posting more often. I do need some recipes to try out. I would like to aim for a posting once or twice a week. A bare bones minimum of twice a month. Send me your feed back! cookingwithjj.baker@gmail.com


As for cooking...I haven't been doing much lately. Even I get in a slump. Fast food has been my poison or the Cookie Monster has been feeding me. Did anyone happen to try the banana pudding milkshake at Chick-fil-A? That thing was phenomenal. I was hopping they would keep it around. I have a new Friday night thing where I go get a milkshake. Sometimes with the Cookie Monster, sometimes alone. In this fat kid's opinion, Chick-fil-A has the best milkshakes of a fast food place.


 Also thanks to the Cookie Monster...I have a new ice cream addiction: Blue Bunny Bordeaux Cherry Chip. I can't even describe how good this stuff is. I am not a huge ice cream fan...I know hard to believe...I do like my milk shakes, but regular ice cream...meh. I know my Mom reads this and she could testify in a note about the ice cream thing. Now this BBBCC...I can eat that every night and go back for seconds. For me, that makes it EPIC ice cream. I'm thinking about making a milk shake with some of it to try. That bad part about the BBBCC...in my area, the only place you can find it is Wal-Mart. This Fat Kid hates Hell-Mart...being a former employee and all.


Finally, yesterday was my birthday. The fabulous Melissa remembered me and got me a new griddle! SWEET! It is a sweet griddle...it has a nice weight and cooks pretty evenly. You know I had to try it. I wasn't in the mood for pancakes or french toast, so I fried some ham on it to go with my eggs. Tomorrow I will try a grilled cheese.
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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Post 4th of July

So the 4th of July has come and gone and it is now four days till this fat kids 34th birthday...I revisited some recipes I have covered before this year for Americas birthday. I did make some changes. I made lemonade pie again this year...still delicious. It was even more delicious with the changes I made. I first brought you lemonade pie in August of last year.

Frozen Lemonade Pie

For the Crust
•2 cups graham cracker crumbs
•1/4 cup sugar
•7 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted

This year I used pre-made tart sized crust for miniature/baby pies. I bought 12 but propably could have used 18.

For the Filling
•2 cups heavy cream - the original recipe calls for Cool Whip
•1 14-ounce can sweetened condensed milk, chilled
•1 6-ounce can frozen lemonade concentrate (do not thaw) [I used 12ounces] – This year I used pink lemonade...this made for a better over all flavor.

For the Topping
•1 cup blueberries
•1 cup raspberries
•2 tablespoons sugar
•1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Make the crust: In a medium bowl, combine the graham cracker crumbs, sugar and melted butter. Press firmly on the bottom and up the sides of a 9-inch pie plate. Bake for 7 minutes; cool completely.

Make the filling: In a cold medium bowl, whip the cream until stiff peaks form. In another bowl, stir together the condensed milk and frozen lemonade. Gently fold the lemonade mixture into the whipped cream. Pour the filling into the crust; freeze overnight.

About an hour before you serve the pie, make the topping: Toss the berries in a medium bowl with the sugar and lemon juice. Set aside until ready to serve.

Let the pie come to room temperature for 10 minutes before cutting. Top each slice with berries
I also grilled some chicken this year. I love grilled chicken thats been kissed with BBQ sauce. This chicken was the bomb. I rubbed it down with a newly created rub this year. I would have ate it without the sauce, but I love the sauce. I import it from back home and only use it for myself or very special people. I love Montgomery Inn BBQ sauce. The Montgomery Inn is a restaurant in Cincinnati/Montgomery Ohio and they have hands down the best ribs and I think the best bottled BBQ sauce on the planet. I would seriously drink this sauce if you asked me to. As for this rub I think I want to try it on a pork loin at some point.

J.J.'s Chicken Rub
  • ½ cup brown sugar 
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  • ½ teaspoon fresh course ground black pepper
  • 1 tablespoon Chipotle seasoning – I used the one you get from Pampered Chef

Rub on chicken at least 4 hours before grilling/cooking
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